Das transnationale Kapital und die Bearbeitung der Krise(n) der Europäischen Union


  • Mathis Heinrich




The article stresses the ideological and political dominance of productive capital fractions within the power bloc of the European Union (EU), by exemplifying their strategic influence in transnational struggles over the management of the current crises in Europe. Theoretically, it is shown, that the leadership of a fraction within the ruling class does neither result from its economic dominance in accumulation nor its hegemony in society alone, but rather depends on concrete struggles over power and meaning within the power bloc itself. In this regard, the economic and financial crisis management approach of the EU reveals that especially transnational actors from the European industry are able to use the crisis between 2008 and 2013 to further lock-in their global competitiveness strateg y into EU political structures. While the lobby groups of finance capital, although still economically important, are rather losing political ground and get lost in technocratic disputes among each, productive capital associations are holding the ruling class in Brussels together by using their privileged access to EU institutions and subordinating the interests of others capital fractions under the dominant discourse of a global and export-oriented growth regime of the EU.


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Heinrich, M. (2014). Das transnationale Kapital und die Bearbeitung der Krise(n) der Europäischen Union. PROKLA. Zeitschrift für Kritische Sozialwissenschaft, 44(175), 237 – 253. https://doi.org/10.32387/prokla.v44i175.173



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