On direct violence in capitalist work relationships - and on Philosophy of History

The analytical concept of violence in capitalism


  • Heide Gerstenberger Universität Bremen




Capitalism, Karl Marx, Violence, Colonialism


According to Marx, violence is anchored in the basic structures of capitalism. Once established by the so-called original accumulations, their reproduction functions without further recourse to direct violence. While in metropolitan capitalist societies the struggles of organized workers and the state have reduced the practices of direct violence, it has remained present on the margins of these societies and in the colonies. But since the globalization of capitalism, the practices of direct violence must be recognized as elements of its normal functioning. Marx rightly pointed out that the reproduction of capitalism is not based on the practice of direct violence. But this historical possibility should not be confused with the actual development of capitalism. The history of capitalism negates the Marxist philosophy of history.


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Author Biography

Heide Gerstenberger, Universität Bremen

Heide Gerstenberger lehrte als Professorin für „Theorie des bürgerlichen Staates und der Gesellschaft“ an der Universität Bremen


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How to Cite

Gerstenberger, H. (2018). On direct violence in capitalist work relationships - and on Philosophy of History: The analytical concept of violence in capitalism. PROKLA. Journal of Critical Social Science, 48(192), 489–500. https://doi.org/10.32387/prokla.v48i192.919

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