Vol. 53 No. 212 (2023): Perspektiven auf Ostdeutschland

Titelbild der PROKLA 212: Perspektiven auf Ostdeutschland

The development of the eastern part of the Federal Republic of Germany has recently become the focus of social attention, especially when new right-wing actors such as the AfD, Compact or PEGIDA represent hegemonic claims and construct lines of tradition from 1989 to today. However, the special features of East Germany go beyond the political dimension that is currently often in the focus of media attention. Accordingly, this issue approaches East Germany from political-economic, historical and feminist perspectives.

PROKLA 212 therefore addresses the development of labour and the economy in East Germany, focusing on property relations, working time struggles and co-determination as well as the change in care work and the transformation in the wake of the coal phase-out.

Published: 2024-02-26
